cars are killers

cars kill people


cars kill physically / directly around 1.350.000 (yes : one million three hundred fifty thousand) people around the world – per year !


world health organization topic on ‘road safety


cars kill 1.350.000 people every year and that number will increase to 2.300.000 in 2030 – can you imagine that ? two million three hundred thousand people will die every year if we don t forbid cars in the world !

if some terrorist would drop a bom in the barcelona football stadium where 99.000 fans are gathered around messi and co and all of them are dead – the entire world would be outraged and vote for severe privacy killing patriot acts and all of the world would mourn and read the names of the victims on remembrance day…

but every year cars kill thirteen fully stacked barcelona football stadiums – and still every one of us finds that ok ?

a continuous holocaust is going on – an eternal genocide, worse than the worst war – simply because we continue to produce and sell and drive cars

and we did not even talk about the ‘collateral’ damage the car is causing… cars also kill because they are noisy and because they are filthy

cars injure (a lot of) people


every year around 35 million people are severely injured in car accidents – gloops !!


world health organization tpoic on road safety


35 million people are severely injured every year in car accidents – that is 353 barcelona football stadiums – or half of the population of a country like france

just imagine the pressure on the national health care programs – the millions of families that get into debts because they need to pay doctors nurses hospitals specialized services to cure their loved ones

nearly all stay handicapped or keep traumas for life

we can no longer accept that people are injured and loose their abilities by cars – we need to forbid using cars today !!

cars kill animals


8 billion animals are killed every year by cars worldwide


natuurpunt own study – most important nature and environment ngo in flanders, belgium


besides people cars also kill big and small wildlife – birds, predators, amphibians, absolute useful animals for our environment

according to the belgian not for profit organisation ‘natuurpunt‘ – cars kill every year around 8.000.000 animals in belgium, which – it must be said – has one of the most dense road system in the world

thousands of volunteers have counted dead animals on hundreds of kilometers of roads during a year : this is the report (sorry it s in dutch, but it s a real eye opener)

if we see that on a world scale – than cars kill around 8 billion ( !) animals per year worldwide affecting severely biodiversity

people are not made to drive cars : it s better for every one we stop driving them !