the belgian government has decided that all company cars need to be electric cars from january 1st, 2026 – wow that’s fast
the idea behind it is indeed to go faster to a green world – a world where less co2 and less toxic exhaust is produced
now i see you thinking : that s a great idea – but in reality it is not !
the green electric cars will replace cars that run on gas or diesel – but where will those replaced cars go ? the leasing companies and banks will not scrap those cars but sell those cars
poorer countries in the east or africa or south-america will be flooded by ‘good’ second hand cars and what happens with those cars ? have a look at this article and video @vrtnws
sending second hand cars to africa is like sending your dog shitting in the neighbours garden
by changing your normal car rapidly with an electric one – you will transport ‘local’ filthy exhaust to a third world country and your co2 production will double 😡 – (= your old car + your new e-car)
besides that the electricity for electric cars cannot exclusively come from wind or solar production : here in belgium they will build new power plants that run on liquid gas from algeria or russia
and who says gas says… yes – co2 !
co2 is a global problem – if you want to reduce that you need to stop driving any cars whether electric or not
ride a bike – consume local – live in a green and cosy city